
[PDA] Zaurus C760 新手筆記 (1)

進入 diagnostic menu (來源:台灣Zaurus使用者群組-Zaurus問題與解答)
  1. 取下電池。
  2. 同時按著 "D" 與 "M"
  3. 五秒後放入電池,畫面出現後放開 "D" 與 "M"

Restoring a NAND image (來源:NAND Backups and Restore)

To wipe your Zaurus clean, the best solution is to restore the whole thing as mother Sharp delivered it. To do so, install your nice NAND backup which you have generated before, or you have downloaded from Conics (this is the 70 Mb downloads for the C760).

To restore a NAND image saved on the CF, simply enter the diagnostic menu, go to page three and select option 10: NAND Flash Restore.

Answer "yes" to the questions, and wait, wait, wait… It will take ages, on my microdrive, up to a couple of hours. So, chill out, go and get some beers with your friend, and when you'll be back home, you'll have your Zaurus back to complete factory settings.

Note that during this process, a green bar will appear to inform you on the progress, normally after 5/10 minutes you started the restore. Don't worry if you don't see it… Just WAIT!
